Empowering doctors and patients in healthcare journeys

Zanalys’ AI handles your patient referrals helps you with rare diseases screening and supports patients in their healthcare journeys

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Time saving to life saving

Zanalys is building models to accurately find rare diseases by analysing doctors consultation reports

Trained on rare diseases datasets

Process informations from patients

Gives you the most pertinent expert center

Crafts your referral letter for you

All the tools you need for your expert center

Zanalys makes it super easy admit and keep track of patients with your team, reducing workload and exhaustion

Specify the referral requirements

Specify the medical informations, values and documents you need

Get a complete referral file

Access a referral file that allows you to make

informed decisions

Manage patients with your team

Seamlessly transfer information to your team and plan the patient's care coordination

Spend less time on paperwork

Open a product initiative and use the insights panel on the right to empathize

“Grâce à Zanalys, nous dépistons les maladies rares de nos patients. C’est simple et efficace et c’est du temps gagné pour mieux soigner”

Dr Charlotte Daguillon-Torre

Avec Zanalys, toutes les informations dont j’ai besoin sont centralisées, je gagne du temps et je peux prioriser les urgences. J’informe en temps réel mes correspondants et mes patients sans surcharger mes secrétaires

Dr Pierre Jorrot

© Zanalys

Paris, France

Crafted with love



Semantic layer



Demo mode



Semantic layer



Demo mode



Semantic layer



Demo mode